How to Call a Method of a Script on a Condition Without Attaching it to a GameObject
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How to Call a Method of a Script on a Condition Without Attaching it to a GameObject

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Are you tired of cluttering your Unity project with scripts attached to empty GameObjects just to call a method on a specific condition? Well, rejoice! Today, we’ll explore a more elegant solution to this common problem. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to call a method of a script without attaching it to a GameObject, and do so with confidence.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review why this is a problem in the first place. Imagine you have a script, `MyScript.cs`, that contains a method `DoSomething()`. You want to call this method when a certain condition is met, but this condition isn’t tied to a specific GameObject. Perhaps it’s a timer that expires, or a network request that completes.

The traditional approach would be to create an empty GameObject, attach `MyScript.cs` to it, and then call the method from another script using a reference to the GameObject. But this can lead to a mess of unnecessary objects and scripts, making your project harder to maintain and understand.

The Solution: Using a Singleton Pattern

One elegant solution to this problem is to use a Singleton pattern. A Singleton is a design pattern that ensures only one instance of a class is created, and provides a global point of access to that instance.

In our case, we’ll create a Singleton class that contains the method we want to call. This way, we can access the method from anywhere in our project, without having to attach the script to a GameObject.

Creating the Singleton Class

Let’s create a new C# script, `MySingleton.cs`, and add the following code:

public class MySingleton
    private static MySingleton _instance;

    public static MySingleton Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = new MySingleton();
            return _instance;

    public void DoSomething()
        // Code to be executed when the method is called
        Debug.Log("DoSomething() method called!");

In this code, we’ve created a `MySingleton` class with a private static instance variable and a public static property `Instance`. The `Instance` property checks if the instance is null, and if so, creates a new instance of the class. This ensures that there’s only one instance of the class, and provides a global point of access to it.

Calling the Method

Now, to call the `DoSomething()` method, you can simply access the Singleton instance from anywhere in your project:

public class AnotherScript : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

In this example, `AnotherScript` is attached to a GameObject, but it can call the `DoSomething()` method without having to attach `MySingleton.cs` to a GameObject.

Pros and Cons of the Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern provides several benefits, including:

  • Global access to the Singleton instance from anywhere in the project
  • No need to attach the script to a GameObject
  • Easier to manage and maintain, as there’s only one instance of the class

However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks:

  • Can lead to tight coupling between scripts, making it harder to change or replace the Singleton class
  • Can make it harder to test and debug, as the Singleton instance is globally accessible

Alternative Solutions

While the Singleton pattern is a popular solution, it’s not the only way to call a method of a script without attaching it to a GameObject. Here are a few alternative approaches:

Using a Static Class

You can create a static class with a static method, allowing you to call the method without creating an instance of the class.

public static class MyStaticClass
    public static void DoSomething()
        // Code to be executed when the method is called
        Debug.Log("DoSomething() method called!");

To call the method, simply access the static class:

public class AnotherScript : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

Using an Event System

You can use an event system, such as Unity’s built-in `UnityEvent` system, to decouple scripts and allow them to communicate with each other.

public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
    public UnityEvent doSomethingEvent;

    public void DoSomething()

In another script, you can listen to the event and react accordingly:

public class AnotherScript : MonoBehaviour
    void OnEnable()
        MyScript myScript = GetComponent();

    void OnDisable()
        MyScript myScript = GetComponent();

    void OnDoSomething()
        // Code to be executed when the event is triggered
        Debug.Log("OnDoSomething() method called!");


In this article, we’ve explored how to call a method of a script on a condition without attaching it to a GameObject. We’ve covered the Singleton pattern, as well as alternative solutions using static classes and event systems. By applying these techniques, you’ll be able to write more efficient, maintainable, and scalable code in your Unity projects.

Solution Pros Cons
Singleton Pattern Global access, easier maintenance Tight coupling, harder testing and debugging
Static Class Easy to use, no instance required Can lead to tight coupling, limited flexibility
Event System Decouples scripts, flexible and reusable Can be complex to set up, requires careful planning

Remember, the key to choosing the best solution is to consider the specific needs of your project and weigh the pros and cons of each approach.

Final Thoughts

Calling a method of a script on a condition without attaching it to a GameObject is a common problem in Unity development. By understanding the Singleton pattern, static classes, and event systems, you’ll be able to tackle this challenge with confidence and write more efficient, maintainable code.

Which solution do you prefer? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Need some Unity wisdom? You’re in the right place!

How do I call a method of a script that isn’t attached to a GameObject?

One way to do this is to use a static method. You can declare the method as static in the script, and then call it using the script’s class name. For example, if you have a script called `MyScript` with a method `MyMethod`, you can call it like this: `MyScript.MyMethod()`. This way, you don’t need to attach the script to a GameObject to call the method.

Can I use a singleton pattern to call a method of a script that isn’t attached to a GameObject?

Yes, you can! A singleton pattern is a design pattern that allows you to access a single instance of a script from anywhere in your code. You can create a singleton script that has a method you want to call, and then access that method from anywhere using the singleton instance. For example, you can create a script called `MySingleton` with a method `MyMethod`, and then call it like this: `MySingleton.Instance.MyMethod()`.

How do I call a method of a script that isn’t attached to a GameObject, but is a part of a scene?

In this case, you can use the ` Resources.Load` method to load the script as an asset, and then call the method on the loaded script instance. For example, if you have a script called `MyScript` with a method `MyMethod` in a scene, you can load it like this: `MyScript script = Resources.Load(“MyScript”); script.MyMethod();`. This way, you can call the method without attaching the script to a GameObject.

Can I use a delegate or event to call a method of a script that isn’t attached to a GameObject?

Yes, you can! Delegates and events are a great way to decouple scripts and allow them to communicate with each other without being attached to a GameObject. You can declare a delegate or event in the script that has the method you want to call, and then have another script subscribe to that delegate or event. When the method is called, it will trigger the delegate or event, allowing the subscribed script to respond.

What are some best practices to keep in mind when calling a method of a script that isn’t attached to a GameObject?

When calling a method of a script that isn’t attached to a GameObject, make sure to consider the script’s lifecycle and scope. Ensure that the script is properly initialized and ready to receive method calls. Also, be mindful of performance and memory usage, as unnecessary method calls can impact your game’s performance. Finally, keep your code organized and easy to maintain, using design patterns and principles to keep your code clean and efficient.