Swift JWT Authentication with Coinbase Fails with 401: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
Image by Minorca - hkhazo.biz.id

Swift JWT Authentication with Coinbase Fails with 401: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you tired of seeing the dreaded 401 error when trying to authenticate with Coinbase using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in your Swift app? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of JWT authentication and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot and resolve the 401 error.

What is JWT Authentication?

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s take a quick refresher on what JWT authentication is. JSON Web Tokens are a type of token-based authentication that allows clients to verify the identity of users without the need for session cookies or other traditional authentication methods.

In the context of Coinbase, JWT authentication is used to authenticate API requests and ensure that only authorized users can access the platform’s features. But when done incorrectly, it can lead to frustrating 401 errors.

Why Does JWT Authentication with Coinbase Fail with 401?

There are several reasons why JWT authentication with Coinbase might fail with a 401 error. Here are some common culprits:

  • Invalid or expired API key
  • Incorrectly formatted JWT token
  • Insufficient permissions or scopes
  • Token not signed with the correct secret key
  • Invalid or missing “iss” claim
  • Invalid or missing “aud” claim

Don’t worry, we’ll cover each of these potential issues in detail and provide you with practical solutions to resolve them.

Step 1: Verify Your API Key and Secret

The first step in troubleshooting JWT authentication with Coinbase is to verify that your API key and secret are correct and up-to-date.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Coinbase account and navigate to the API settings page.
  2. Check that your API key is active and not expired.
  3. Verify that your API secret is correct and matches the one stored in your Swift app.
  4. Make sure that your API key has the necessary permissions and scopes for the API endpoints you’re trying to access.

If you’ve verified that your API key and secret are correct, let’s move on to the next step.

Step 2: Generate a Correctly Formatted JWT Token

A JWT token consists of three parts: the header, payload, and signature. Here’s an example of a correctly formatted JWT token:


In your Swift app, you can use a library like SwiftJWT to generate a JWT token. Here’s an example:

import SwiftJWT

let header = Header(typ: "JWT")
let payload = Payload(iss: "1234567890",
                       aud: "https://api.coinbase.com",
                       exp: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600))

let jwt = try! JWTSigner(using: .hs256("your-secret-key"))
let token = try! jwt.sign(header: header, payload: payload)

Make sure to replace "your-secret-key" with your actual API secret key.

Step 3: Verify the “iss” and “aud” Claims

The “iss” (issuer) claim specifies the entity that issued the JWT token, while the “aud” (audience) claim specifies the entity that the token is intended for.

In the context of Coinbase, the “iss” claim should be your API key, and the “aud” claim should be "https://api.coinbase.com".

Here’s an updated example of the JWT payload:

let payload = Payload(iss: "1234567890",
                       aud: "https://api.coinbase.com",
                       exp: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600))

Verify that your JWT token includes these claims and that they are correctly formatted.

Step 4: Check the Token Expiration

JWT tokens have a limited lifetime and will expire after a certain period of time. Make sure that your token hasn’t expired by checking the “exp” claim.

Here’s an updated example of the JWT payload with an expiration time of 1 hour:

let payload = Payload(iss: "1234567890",
                       aud: "https://api.coinbase.com",
                       exp: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600))

Verify that your token hasn’t expired by checking the “exp” claim. If it has expired, generate a new token with an updated expiration time.

Step 5: Verify the Token Signature

The token signature is used to verify the authenticity of the JWT token. Make sure that your token is signed with the correct secret key.

In your Swift app, use the same secret key that you used to generate the JWT token to verify the signature.

let jwt = try! JWTSigner(using: .hs256("your-secret-key"))
let isValid = try! jwt.verify(token: token)

If the token signature is invalid, generate a new token with the correct secret key.


JWT authentication with Coinbase can be complex, but by following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the 401 error.

Remember to:

  • Verify your API key and secret
  • Generate a correctly formatted JWT token
  • Verify the “iss” and “aud” claims
  • Check the token expiration
  • Verify the token signature

By following these steps, you’ll be able to successfully authenticate with Coinbase using JWT tokens in your Swift app.

Error Solution
Invalid or expired API key Verify your API key and secret, and make sure they are correct and up-to-date.
Incorrectly formatted JWT token Generate a correctly formatted JWT token using a library like SwiftJWT.
Insufficient permissions or scopes Verify that your API key has the necessary permissions and scopes for the API endpoints you’re trying to access.
Token not signed with the correct secret key Verify that your token is signed with the correct secret key, and that you’re using the same secret key to verify the signature.
Invalid or missing “iss” claim Verify that your JWT token includes the “iss” claim, and that it is correctly formatted.
Invalid or missing “aud” claim Verify that your JWT token includes the “aud” claim, and that it is correctly formatted.

We hope this article has helped you troubleshoot and resolve the 401 error when using JWT authentication with Coinbase in your Swift app.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to solve the mystery of Swift JWT Authentication with Coinbase failing with 401 error!

Why does my Swift app return a 401 error when using JWT authentication with Coinbase?

This error often occurs when there’s an issue with your API key, secret key, or the token generation process. Double-check that your API credentials are correct and properly configured. Ensure that you’re generating the JWT token correctly, including the necessary claims and signature.

How can I troubleshoot the JWT token generation process in my Swift app?

To troubleshoot the JWT token generation process, try logging the generated token and verify its contents. Check that the token includes the necessary claims, such as the issuer, audience, and expiration time. You can use tools like JWT.io or similar online token validators to inspect the token and identify any issues.

What are the required claims for a JWT token used with Coinbase API?

When generating a JWT token for Coinbase API, you need to include the following required claims: `iss` (issuer), `aud` (audience), `iat` (issued at), and `exp` (expiration time). Make sure to set the correct values for these claims, as specified in the Coinbase API documentation.

Can I use a third-party library to handle JWT token generation in my Swift app?

Yes, you can use third-party libraries like Swift-JWT or JWTSwift to handle JWT token generation in your Swift app. These libraries provide a convenient way to generate and verify JWT tokens, taking care of the underlying complexity. Just make sure to choose a library that’s compatible with your Swift version and Coinbase API requirements.

How can I ensure the security and integrity of my JWT token when using it with Coinbase API?

To ensure the security and integrity of your JWT token, follow best practices such as using a secure random number generator to create the token’s secret key, storing the secret key securely, and using HTTPS to transmit the token. Additionally, implement proper error handling and logging to detect any potential issues with the token generation or validation process.