How Can I Export Events from Bugsnag?
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How Can I Export Events from Bugsnag?

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Are you tired of manually sifting through Bugsnag’s event data, trying to make sense of errors and crashes in your application? Do you wish there was a way to easily export events from Bugsnag and analyze them in a more comprehensive manner? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to export events from Bugsnag, step-by-step.

Table of Contents

Why Export Events from Bugsnag?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of exporting events from Bugsnag, let’s quickly discuss why you might want to do so in the first place. Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Enhanced Analytics**: By exporting events from Bugsnag, you can combine them with data from other sources, creating a more comprehensive view of your application’s performance and reliability.
  • Custom Reporting**: Exporting events allows you to create custom reports that cater to your specific needs, giving you more flexibility and control over your data.
  • Data Integration**: You can integrate Bugsnag event data with other tools and services, such as project management software, customer support platforms, or business intelligence solutions.
  • Offline Analysis**: Exporting events enables you to analyze data offline, without relying on Bugsnag’s UI or API limits.

Exporting Events from Bugsnag via UI

The easiest way to export events from Bugsnag is through their user interface. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in to your Bugsnag account and navigate to the Events tab.
  2. Apply any desired filters to narrow down the events you want to export (e.g., error type, platform, or severity).
  3. Click the Export button located in the top-right corner of the events table.
  4. Select the export format: CSV, JSON, or Excel.
  5. Choose the specific fields you want to include in the export (e.g., error message, stack trace, or user data).
  6. Set any additional options, such as the export date range or the number of events to include.
  7. Click Export to download the file.
 Tip: You can also use the "Quick Export" feature, which allows you to export events with a single click, using pre-defined settings.

Exporting Events from Bugsnag via API

If you need more flexibility or want to automate the export process, you can use Bugsnag’s API. Here’s an example of how to export events using the API:

curl -X GET \
'{PROJECT_ID}/events/export' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"format": "csv", "fields": ["error.message", "error.stack_trace"], " filters": [{"type": "errored", "operator": "=", "value": true}]}'

In this example, we’re using the curl command to send a GET request to the Bugsnag API, specifying the project ID, API key, and export options:

  • format: The desired export format (CSV, JSON, or Excel).
  • fields: An array of fields to include in the export.
  • filters: An array of filters to apply to the events (e.g., error type, platform, or severity).
 Tip: Make sure to replace {PROJECT_ID} and {API_KEY} with your actual Bugsnag project ID and API key.

Export Options and Limits

When exporting events from Bugsnag, you’ll encounter various options and limits. Here’s a breakdown:

Option Description Limit
Format CSV, JSON, or Excel N/A
Fields Select specific fields to include in the export Up to 100 fields
Filters Apply filters to narrow down the events Up to 10 filters
Date Range Select a specific date range for the export Up to 30 days
Event Limit Specify the number of events to include in the export Up to 10,000 events
 Note: These limits may vary depending on your Bugsnag plan and configuration. Be sure to check the official documentation for the most up-to-date information.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When exporting events from Bugsnag, you might encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • Export fails or times out**: Check your API key, project ID, and export options. Ensure you’re not exceeding the event limit or filter limits.
  • Invalid or missing fields**: Verify that you’ve selected the correct fields for the export, and that they’re available for the specified events.
  • Filtering issues**: Double-check your filter settings, and ensure they’re correctly applied to the events.
 Tip: If you're still experiencing issues, don't hesitate to contact Bugsnag support for assistance.

Use Cases for Exported Events

Now that you’ve exported events from Bugsnag, what can you do with them? Here are some exciting use cases:

  • Error analysis and debugging**: Combine exported events with other data sources to gain a deeper understanding of errors and crashes in your application.
  • Custom reporting and dashboards**: Use exported events to create custom reports and dashboards, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
  • Data integration and analytics**: Integrate exported events with other data sources, such as project management software, customer support platforms, or business intelligence solutions.
  • Offline data analysis**: Analyze exported events offline, without relying on Bugsnag’s UI or API limits, to uncover new insights and patterns.
 Tip: The possibilities are endless! Get creative and explore new ways to utilize your exported Bugsnag events.


Exporting events from Bugsnag is a powerful way to unlock valuable insights and trends in your application’s performance and reliability. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to exporting events like a pro and unlocking new possibilities for analysis, reporting, and integration.

Remember to explore the official Bugsnag documentation for the most up-to-date information on exporting events, and don’t hesitate to reach out to their support team if you encounter any issues.

Happy exporting, and happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

Have you ever found yourself stuck trying to export events from Bugsnag? Worry no more! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate the process with ease.

How do I export events from Bugsnag?

To export events from Bugsnag, navigate to the Events tab, select the desired filters, and click on the “Export” button. You can choose to export events in CSV, JSON, or NDJSON format. For larger datasets, consider using Bugsnag’s API or integrations with data warehousing tools like Amazon S3 or Google BigQuery.

What filters can I apply when exporting events from Bugsnag?

When exporting events from Bugsnag, you can apply filters based on event type, error type, severity, status, and more. You can also filter by specific project, release, or user-defined custom filters. This allows you to narrow down the exported data to focus on specific issues or trends.

Can I schedule regular exports of events from Bugsnag?

Yes, Bugsnag offers a feature called “Export Schedules” that allows you to set up recurring exports of events. This can be useful for integrating with other tools, such as data warehousing or business intelligence platforms. You can schedule exports to run daily, weekly, or monthly, and even customize the export format and filters.

How do I export events from Bugsnag using the API?

To export events from Bugsnag using the API, you’ll need to use the Events API endpoint. You can specify filters, sorting, and pagination using query parameters. The API returns events in JSON format, which can be easily consumed by your application or imported into other tools. Be sure to check the Bugsnag API documentation for more information on authentication, rate limits, and available endpoints.

What’s the maximum size of an event export from Bugsnag?

The maximum size of an event export from Bugsnag varies depending on the export format and method. For CSV exports, the limit is 10 million rows. For JSON exports, the limit is 100 million events. If you need to export larger datasets, consider using Bugsnag’s API or integrations with data warehousing tools, which can handle larger volumes of data.

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